Experiences of high strangeness shared anonymously 

The all-too-familiar feeling of questioning one’s sanity when confronted with real life experiences that cannot be readily explained has been felt by all those who encounter the unexplainable…often times without even looking for it. 

Ryan Singer, host of the long-running paranormal podcast Me & Paranormal You, invites strangers to share their paranormal stories with him under the cloak of secrecy to protect their identities. Keeping stories that we do not fully understand to ourselves can be debalitating and the mission of Paranonymous is an attempt to provide comfort through community. 

If you are interested in sharing your story, call the Paranonymous Hotline: 818-865-0653 to set up a call time. You can also leave your story on the voicemail in 3 minute increments if you so choose to have shared on the show. 

We look forward to hearing your amazing story.