Mega witch Renée Watt joins us for our special Samhain-Halloween episode after her trip to Salem where she conjured the devil. (Spoiler: he’s hot af “Ep 39 – Happy HalloQueen!”
Category: Uncategorized
Imagination & Mysticism – 3rd Ear Bonus 176
Do people shutdown their imagination in a way that makes it impossible to conceive of the paranormal being a real possibility? Why would we close “Imagination & Mysticism – 3rd Ear Bonus 176”
Experience 281 – Peter Tullio & the Best Scary Movies
Peter Tullio joins me for a late night talk about the best monster, scary, and Halloween movies you get into this holiday season. Peter has “Experience 281 – Peter Tullio & the Best Scary Movies”
Ep 38 – Ryan Learns to Cher
Ryan was a pro Cher impersonator and overChers in this ep. Angela shrieks her love language, and her ancestors shriek back. Ryan wants you to “Ep 38 – Ryan Learns to Cher”
Apparitions and Medjugorje – 3rd Ear Bonus 175
Let’s talk about apparitions and some of the most famous cases of Marian Apparitions. I also dig into the one of the most scientifically studied “Apparitions and Medjugorje – 3rd Ear Bonus 175”
Experience 280 – Amy Turley, The Beast on the Beach & A Years Long Attachment
Amy stops by to tell me about a dark entity attachment that she had for years until someone else finally could see/sense that it was “Experience 280 – Amy Turley, The Beast on the Beach & A Years Long Attachment”
Ep 37 – Hexy and I Know It
Angela faces THE Goddess of Witches. Ryan has a doom list. Angela buries witch jars throughout LA. Ryan is a destroyer. Angela hexes a listener. “Ep 37 – Hexy and I Know It”
Cross-Correspondences & Drop-In Communicators – 3rd Ear Bonus 174
We get into an amazing phenomena called cross-corresspondences that involve multiple mediums channeling the same entity or source. It is pretty cool to think about “Cross-Correspondences & Drop-In Communicators – 3rd Ear Bonus 174”
Experience 279 – Davin McKinley, A Psychedelic Awakening to the Paranormal
My buddy Davin stops by to discuss all kinds of things, including: using psychedelics to awaken to the paranormal, growing up Waldorf, what it means “Experience 279 – Davin McKinley, A Psychedelic Awakening to the Paranormal”
Ep 36 – Back From the Read
Ryan sends his etheric double into the world. Angela astral annoys bffs. Ryan finally learns his soul contract—and it’s a good one. Angela review-rants the “Ep 36 – Back From the Read”