Tarot Cards & I Call Someone Back Unexpectedly – 3rd Ear Bonus 66

<![CDATA[I dive into a brief history and a deeper explanation of a traditional if there is such a thing, deck of Tarot cards. I have had more than a few readings over the years and this is the first time I spent some time trying to learn about their history, what many people think they mean specifically, and just what in the world Major Arcana and Minor Arcana mean. Arcana is defined as "mysteries or secrets" and the Major and Minor of the Tarot deck unfold and roughly translate to mean, at least to me as "big" and "small" mysteries or secrets. The Querent is the person who is having the reading done for them and if you've never tried, hopefully this will inspire you to go out there and get a reading or maybe even get your own deck.

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