Ouija Board History & Experience – 3rd Ear Bonus 136

<![CDATA[The Ouija Board is by far the most well-known and most commercially successful divning tool that has ever been mass produced. Many years ago, it was an extremely popular parlour game and house party activity, but then something changed. The movie The Exorcist is probably one of the biggest culprits in turning the Ouija into an object of the devil and instilling fear into people about using it. I also cover in detail my recent late night diving session using the Ouija board with some friends and what happened.
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One Reply to “Ouija Board History & Experience – 3rd Ear Bonus 136”

  1. Hi Ryan,
    I was wanting to email you for a while to ask you to speak about Lily Dale. It was great hearing you mention Lily Dale on the Ouija Board 3rd Ear Bonus. I live in Toronto, Canada and have been listening to you since you were on the Marc Maron WTF podcast. I am both a comedy fan and interested in everything esoteric. It was a great treat seeing you open for Marc Maron last November in Toronto.
    Getting back to Lily Dale, I have gone about 5 times and it is close by, just 1 hour outside of Buffalo for us Torontonians. I reccommend you go during the summer months and stay a weekend. You can stay inside the gated community or just outside at a nearby hotel. Friday night people gather around and have a drumming circle. The rest of the weekend there are free activities on the grounds and free readings twice a day in the forest. There is a pet cemetary a healing outdoor temple (Reiki inside for free) and a beautiful forest. The meduims have homes on the grounds and you can sign up for a personal reading. They are usually booked solid in the summer, but you might be lucky.
    There are wonderful estoteric stores with great things to buy (books, cyrstals, etc) and the people are really friendly. The main house has both a Canadian and American flag and people congregate outside and sit on the rocking chairs and get to know each other.
    Next time you are doing a show in New York or Toronto, book a weekend to drive to Lily Dale in the summer season, you will love it. I was so hoping you would mention on your podcast and you did. The history of Sprititualism is so cool. I did get a very accurate reading a few years ago from a medium named Janice Fleishman (you can get her correct spelling on the website where they list of all the meduims).
    Cheers, and so loving your podcast. I have recommended it to all my spiritual friends.
    Marisa Digregorio

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