<![CDATA[ It is always cool to get some good press and some good reviews, even if I choose to ignore the ones that say I “Top 10 Comedy CD of 2010!”
Tag: how to get high without drugs
How To Get High Without Drugs – Available NOW!
<![CDATA[ My new cd is out now! You can get it from the internet on iTunes (just click on photo above) and amazon.com or you “How To Get High Without Drugs – Available NOW!”
My Review Debut
<![CDATA[ I am happy to report that I have a legitimate review for my new album. I do not know the guy who reviewed the “My Review Debut”
Returning Guest on The Detention Show!
<![CDATA[ I was once again a guest on the sweet ass podcast, The Detention Show with Josh Sneed and his wonderful co-host Mark Chalifoux. This “Returning Guest on The Detention Show!”