The Bookcase

Here is the bookcase.  This is a video concept that was inspired by a real thing that happened in my life recently.

I wanted to buy this particular bookcase at a Goodwill, but waited until its sticker color was half-price.  This bookcase was not just any bookcase, it was a matching bookcase to the one I already bought months earlier at the same Goodwill for my bedroom.
It was perfect.
It was around for weeks and weeks and seemingly was destined to be mine.  If you’ve watched this video you already know that I did not get this bookcase.  The sadness I had in my life, that washed over me when I went in to the Goodwill and the bookcase was gone, was profound.  The color for the half-price sale had lined up with the sticker, I had managed to convince myself that I could afford it ($10) and that I needed it (I did and still do not).
I’m going on the road for 5 weeks and I leave a bit over 24 hours from now.  I hope to see you all when we are out in the world together.  My DVD recording is July 16th, 2012 at Go Bananas Comedy Club and I really want and need to pack the house out.  Let’s do that?]]>

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